Zonta Club of Everett Calendar
Upcoming events
Special Events
Greater Heights Virtual Fundraiser
Everett Golf and Country Club 1500 52nd St SE, Everett, WA, United StatesFashion, Flowers, Food, Fun and Fermented Fruit
Fashion, Flowers, Food, Fun and Fermented Fruit! Join us for a unique social Fundraising get-together. Pick the date that works best for you -- or attend both. We can promise you aRead More...
Lunafest 2022
edmonds theatre 415 Mail St., Edmonds, WA, United StatesPlease join us for Luna Fest 2022! The Zonta Club of Everett is excited to again present Luna Fest: a festival of films made by women, for women. We are offering theRead More...
Zonta 103 Years
Holiday Auction
Everett Golf and Country Club 1500 52nd St SE, Everett, WA, United StatesJoin Us for Our Holiday Lunch and Auction Dec 15th Tickets on sale now... snag a seat, order your lunch, invite a friend and get ready for some great fun and friendship.Read More...
2023 Annual Gala
Everett Golf and Country Club 1500 52nd St SE, Everett, WA, United StatesA great success: See our Photo Gallery + Results 2023 Gala Fundraiser April 1st! For our Gala and Auction A Little Bit of Magic $85 per person Live Magic + Silent Auction &Read More...
Marysville Tulalip Chamber 8825 34th Ave NE, Marysville, WA, United StatesZonta Club of Everett Zocial Fundraiser $10 Ticket includes light refreshments and a glass of wine! Location: Marysville Tulalip Chamber of Commerce, 8825 34th Ave NE, Marysville, WA 98271 There will be accessoriesRead More...
Founders Day Lunch
Zonta Club of Everett was Founded in 1929. Founder's day celebrates our long history of helping women in the area. Recognition: November is an exciting month for our club as weRead More...
Toy Donations for Wintertide Due
The village on casino road 14 E Casino Rd, Everett, WA, United StatesZonta Club of North Puget Sound service committee is asking members and supporters to participate in the Connect Casino Road's toy drive. The attached graphic has information on the toy drive (itRead More...
Annual Holiday Lunch and Gift Bag Auction
Everett Golf and Country Club 1500 52nd St SE, Everett, WA, United StatesZonta Club of North Puget Sound (formerly Everett) annual holiday auction. You are invited to our Lunch, Bagged Holiday Gift Game and Lots of FUN! To be held in person thisRead More...
End Child Marriage in WA Chain-in Press Event in Olympia
North Steps of the Washington State Capitol•416 Sid Snyder Ave. SW, Olympia, WA 98504 US 416 Sid Snyder Ave. SW, Olympia, WA, United StatesPlease RSVP by Dec 15th Child marriage is an urgent problem in Washington. Dangerous legal loopholes allow parents to enter a child of ANY AGE into marriage without any input required fromRead More...
Program: Fly Like a Girl for Amelia Earhart –
ZoomWatch: Fly Like a Girl, then discuss with Film Makers and fellow Zonta Members Via Zoom - Virtual Only 11:30- 1pm Jan. 25th. email info@zontaeverett.org to get the zoom link, orRead More...
Mysterious Mardi Gras Fun-draiser
Everett Transit Station 3201 Smith Ave - 4th floor Everett, WA, Everett, WAZonta Club of Puget Sound's Mysterious Masquerade Ball Thursday February 8th at 5:30pm Everett Transit Station Weyerhauser Room 3201 Smith Ave - 4th floor Everett, WA $85 per person including dinner TheRead More...
Celebrating Strength & Service: 95 Years of Zonta North Puget Sound
Floral Hall at Forest Park 802 E Mukilteo Blvd, Everett, United StatesJoin us for a celebration of our 95th anniversary! We are excited to award scholarships and grants and install our new officers. Tickets include appetizers and a champagne toast. Register today
Founders Day
Everett Evergreen library 9512 Evergreen Way, Everett, WA, United StatesZonta Club of Everett, Now Zonta Club of North Puget Sound was Founded in 1929. Founder's day celebrates our long history of helping women in the area. Bring Your own Lunch:Read More...
Holiday Zocial
Join us for our Holiday Zocial December 3rd 4:00 - 7:00 Start the holiday season off right with a fun evening of friendship and laughter. Bring your favorite dish to share andRead More...
Annual Holiday Lunch and Auction
Join Us for our Seasonal Celebration... Zonta Club of North Puget Sound invites you to our Holiday Auction! Thursday, December 19th 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Everett Golf and Country Club TicketsRead More...
Game Night Gala
Everett Golf and Country Club 1500 52nd St SE, Everett, WA, United StatesAll Area District 8 Workshop
ZoomWeaving Advocacy Into Building a Better World for Women and Girls. More info to follow